Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Exercises + Projects for Personal Class Site

Exercises + Projects for Personal Class Site

  1. Foundation Layout Demo
  2. Javascript Basics Demo
  3. Parallax Scrolling with flower images
  4. CSS3  Basics (gradients, drop shadow, border radius, transparency, rotation)
  5. CSS3 Transitions/Animations

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Week 16 Day 2 - May 2, Thursday - Homework

1. Fill out course evaluations for ART370 by Sunday, May 5.

Final project due for class critique on Tuesday, May 7, 8:00-10:00am 

What to submit to for final project:
2. USB Flash Drive with following Proj 2 files (organized and labeled as follows)

 >>Main Project folder with naming structure: LastName_Proj2
      + "Process Docs" folder (with PDF of proposal, wireframe, flowchart and concept sketches)

      + "Design Files" folder (both as native design program files PSD or AI and PDF version of final design layout)
      + "Web Files" folder (with appropriate HTML, CSS, javascript and images related website)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

National Film Board Interaction Projects

Check out the National Film Board of Canada's Interactive Experience Projects


Week 16 Day 1 - Tuesday, April 30 - Homework

1. Continue coding development for final project. Keep in mind there are 7 days left in the semester before our final critique.

Final project due for class review on Tuesday, May 7, 8:00-10:00am (all process, design and web files due on USB drive)

2. Fill out course evaluations for ART370 by Sunday, May 5.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Week 15 Day 2 - Thursday, April 25 - Homework

1. Continue coding development for final project. Keep in mind there is only 1 week left in the semester before our final critique. Be sure you manage the remaining part of the semester for coding, usability testing (scheduled for next Tuesday, April 30) and final critiques (Tuesday, May 7, 8:00-10:00am)

2. Fill out course evaluations for ART370 by Sunday, May 5.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 15 Day 1 - Tuesday, April 23 - Homework

1. Continue coding development for final project. Keep in mind there are only 1 1/2 weeks left in the semester before our final critique. Be sure you manage the remaining part of the semester for coding, usability testing (scheduled for next Tuesday, April 30) and final critiques (during finals week, Tuesday, May 7, 8:00-10:00am)

2. Fill out course evaluations for ART370 by Sunday, May 5.