Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 10 Day 2 - Thursday, March 21 - Homework

1. Continue to work on research (text and image gathering) for Project 2. Moodboard is due for review next class as a PDF. Must consider following key features in mood board...

  • Visual theme (via inspirational images)
  • Color scheme (what colors will you use, between 2-5 colors)
  • Textures (subtle backgrounds, visuals used to enhance depth/contrast)
  • Type styles (font family, primary font vs secondary)

The visual language used in your moodboard should pre-empt your layout design ideas for project 2. Be sure to consider legibility, usability,  and visual hierarchy throughout the design process.

2. We will begin Javascript/JQuery demos next Tuesday

3. If you are on campus today, I recommend you attend the presentation of Melissa Wilkinson today in the TLC 47 at 5pm. Melissa is one of the candidates interviewing for the new Painting Faculty Position in the CAA.

There will be another Painting Faculty candidate presentation by Mark Bradley Shoup, scheduled for Monday, March 25 in the TLC 47 at 10:30am. 

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