Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Week 13 Day 2 - Thursday, April 11- Homework

1. Begin coding development for final project. Keep in mind there are only 3 weeks left in the semester before our final critique. Be sure you manage the remaining part of the semester for coding, usability testing (scheduled for April 23 + 25) and final critiques (during finals week, May 7, 7:30-9:30am)

Be sure you are frequently viewing your web documents in multiple browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer) and operating systems (Mac vs PC). 

Some CSS3 properties are not compatible (especially IE 9 and below). Although your document will never appear 100% identical in each browser, be sure the viewer does not have a negative experience based on your CSS styles or use of Javascript.


{via CXPartners presentation at FOWD 2012}

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