Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Group Discussion from Tuesday, Jan 22

Attributes of Effective Websites

After today's group discussion regarding the usability survey and reflection #2 assignments, the following list was generated to cite examples of top characteristics of good website design (based on design, usability and content related issues).

  • Clear and straight forward branding /identity 
  • Use of visual cues for links/buttons
  • Consideration in text content (limited in amount, and width span)
  • Visual consistency (styles, brand styles, placement of content)
  • Each page is content focused (type of content/info serves a strong purpose for each page)
  • Layout design is visually clean and to the point
  • Content is visually engaging (dominance in color, imagery)
  • Limit in amount of information presented at once
  • Use of visual hierarchy
  • Navigation is consistent and easily accessible
  • Strategic organization/categorization in navigation elements
  • Fast loading time (optimized media that is small in file size)
  • Information should be helpful based on users needs and expectations
  • Balanced/harmonious color scheme

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