Monday, January 21, 2013

Project 1: Worst of the Web

Download Project 1 specifications

Select a pre-existing (arts & culture) website the exhibits examples of poor usability, ineffective design, and/or flawed web
development standards. You will be asked to assess and analyze both content, design and development choices of your
chosen website, and create a new site that improves both design and development issues.

+ Apply interface design fundamentals and principles to aide in creative problem solving
+ Assess current interactive design case studies and apply usability, design and programming standards
+ Use industry standard web authoring tools

+ Design layout should meet usability standards and current web design best practices.
+ All art work and media assets must be original and/or copyright free. Imagery should be optimized via Fireworks.
+ All web pages are to be generated with Dreamweaver or a text editing application.
+ Scripting languages to be used: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. No table, td, tr tags allowed.
+ If using other programmer’s code, please cite author and source
+ Your website should be browser compliant in Safari, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Concept Phase: Print out of Project Proposal, Wireframe, Flowchart due Tuesday Jan 29, 8:30am.
Design Concept Phase: PDF of Moodboard due Thursday, Jan 31, 8:30am.
Layout Design Phase: PDF of final design specs due Tuesday, Feb 12, 8:30am.
Development Phase: Week 6-, Final project review due Thursday, Feb 28, 8:30am.

Grading criteria (20% course grade):
Design Aesthetics —40% of project 1
Technical Skill—20% of project 1
Usability—20% of project 1
Accuracy in Project Requirements—10% of project 1
Process (Flowchart, Wireframe, Sketches, Mood Board, Usability Testing)—10% of project 1

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