Tuesday, February 26, 2013

PechaKucha Students Speak Edition @ Pritchard Thursday, Feb 28, 8:20pm

List of vol. 4 Presenters:
Kathleen Burns: What, when, where, how, who? Public Art and Community
Hayman Wong:  To Live in a Cage
Bryce Blankenship: My Shortened Importance of Philosophy
Ellen Williams: Deep Sea: Shipwrecked
Miguel Elgueda: Living Communities:  Bringing live back into Communities
Sway Harner [:Moment of Thought:]
Tarin Leach: Art in Toms
Katelyn Dillon: The Underground:Recreating the Illicit
Avery Worrell: Enlisting in the Fun Brigade

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List of vol. 4 Presenters:
Kathleen Burns: What, when, where, how, who? Public Art and Community
Hayman Wong:  To Live in a Cage
Bryce Blankenship: My Shortened Importance of Philosophy
Ellen Williams: Deep Sea: Shipwrecked
Miguel Elgueda: Living Communities:  Bringing live back into Communities
Sway Harner [:Moment of Thought:]
Tarin Leach: Art in Toms
Katelyn Dillon: The Underground:Recreating the Illicit
Avery Worrell: Enlisting in the Fun Brigade

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