Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 5 Day 2 (Thursday, Feb 7) - Homework

1. Continue Layout Design Process. Be sure to include actual text and image content (no placeholders or lorem ipsum) in each design layout for your chosen different pages/sections

Keep in mind PDF of 6 different pages/sections for project 1 due for review in next week, Tuesday, Feb 12, 8:30am.

2. Create homepage for your own ART370 site (file should be called index.html and placed in webpage folder on shared space). Spend some time applying HTML tags to personalize your personal class website, which will be used primarily in this class for demo/exercise submission. Home page should include: Your name and links to recent assignments (PDFs of project 1 process files --flowchart, wireframe, proposal, foundation tutorial). 

3. Explore Foundation components in additional to basic setup covered in today's demo. Upload foundation basics demo exercise (to your UI webspace) that includes a logo (placeholder), navigation (placeholder), image slideshow (using foundation orbit js), and footer (with contact information).

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