Monday, February 25, 2013

Week 8 Day 1 - Tuesday, Feb 26 - Homework

Usability Testing for Project 1 will take place next class, Thursday, Feb 28 at 8:30am.

 What to submit:

1. USB Flash Drive with following Proj 1 files (organized and labeled as follows)

 >>Main Project folder with naming structure: LastName_Proj1
      + "Process Docs" folder (with PDF of proposal, wireframe and thematic concept sketches, include screenshots of original website layout design if applicable)
      + "Design Files" folder (save final Design Layout for 6 sections as JPGs)
      + "Web Files" folder (with appropriate HTML, CSS, javascript and images related website)

2. Upload updated index.html to your personal class website that includes links to process, design and web files of project 1.

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